Peterborough is one step closer to getting more places to skate, but we still need your help…
On Oct. 10, the City of Peterborough presented its Parks and Outdoor Recreation Facilities Study to members of council, and it included a number of recommendations and capital projects to improve outdoor recreation in Peterborough. It has taken years of consultation to develop this report and it is very thorough. Thanks to your support, we were able to ensure that a “Skateboard Strategy” was included in this report and it is clear that the focus group we participated in last year was taken seriously.
You can read the full report here, and the Skateboard Strategy at the bottom of this post, but we have also summarized the most exciting parts below:
Bonnerworth Park redevelopment
This project includes the installation of 16 lit pickleball courts, an expanded skateboarding park and a specialized bike track.
As part of the findings in the Parks and Outdoor Recreation Facilities Study, the report recommends the redevelopment of Bonnerworth Park as a multi-sport complex. Since the pandemic, a number of recreation groups have made requests for new places to play, including: skaters, scooters, bikers, bladers and… pickleballers. Here in Peterborough, everyone’s voice should matter equally, and this study was designed to find the best way to achieve that.
“By reviewing current parkland and existing active recreation hubs, staff are recommending the most efficient use of land. Recreation hubs, like the ones developed through the Bonnerworth Park… redevelopment projects, will promote strong, safe, diverse, accessible connected neighbourhoods for all ages, incomes, and abilities.”
Admittedly, we had been looking at alternate locations to build a new skatepark, but this is a great opportunity. We’re talking about at least another 15,800 sqft of skate space, and a complete revisioning of Bonnerworth. The skaters will be the main consulting partners on the skatepark developments, the bikers will consult on the pump track, and the pickleballers will get their courts. we’ll all share some great new amenities including seats, water, and washrooms. Other exciting news: in addition to the Bonnerworth project, we are also seeing in this study a commitment to considering alternative skate spaces around town (aka: “skate dots”).
On October 23, the Parks and Recreation board (and us) will be asking that Council endorse the Bonnerworth Park redevelopment project as part of the first phase of the City’s overall plan. Councillors will be voting on whether or not to approve the draft 2024 capital budget which includes $2,035,000 towards the Bonnerworth Park Redevelopment project. If approved, that money will go towards the project starting as early as next year!
We still need your help!
We are confident that this recommendation will be approved, and we are enthusiastic about this idea. But it is still important that we get support from our city councillors, as the budget is VERY difficult to balance in this city, especially after COVID. We’d like to remind them of how important this project is to our community’s future before they vote on October 23.
Please take 2 minutes to write to your councillor before October 23, to tell them how important new skate spaces are to you. Take a look at the map below to determine which Ward you live in. We’ve included the emails for each ward councillor. Be sure to share in your email all the reasons why you believe it is worth investing in skateboarding (ie. mental health and well-being, low cost recreation/exercise, community building, competition, olympic training, skate without harassment, summer camps, etc.). Be passionate, but stay humble.
Thank you skaters of Peterborough. We are closer than ever to the beginning of a new era for skating in our City. Now let’s keep pushing until our dream is a reality!
Ward Map and Emails
Ward 1 (Otonabee):
Councillor Kevin Duguay (send an email)
Councillor Lesley Parnell (send an email)
Ward 2 (Monaghan):
Councillor Matt Crowley (send an email)
Councillor Don Vassiliadis (send an email)
Ward 3 (Town):
Councillor Alex Bierk (send an email)
Councillor Joy Lachica (send an email)
Ward 4 (Ashburnham):
Councillor Gary Baldwin (send an email)
Councillor Keith Riel (send an email)
Ward 5 (Northcrest):
Councillor Andrew Beamer (send an email)
Councillor Dave Haacke (send an email)
Appendix A – 10. Skateboarding Strategy
(the following is quoted directly from the Parks and Outdoor Recreation Facilities Study)
“On October 19, 2021, the Peterborough Skateboard Coalition presented to Arenas, Parks, and Recreation Advisory Committee, providing information on the modernization of this sport, with recommendations on how to include facilities and programs throughout the city.
On November 3, 2022, a consultation meeting was held with stakeholders from the skateboard community. Through this meeting, significant interest was indicated in updating the existing skate park and including smaller facility options throughout the community.
There is one skateboard facility located in Peterborough. At 20 years old, the design of this facility is not conducive for beginners to the sport and the site needs repair. As the sport has evolved, skaters have shifted away from “extreme/big tricks” to more moderate maneuvers, requiring a different style of facility.
“Skate dots” are a supporting evolution of the shifting landscape for the sport of skateboarding. Skate dots are small-scale facilities offering skateboarding features that are designed for parks, trails, or walkways throughout the city. Offering skate dots in various neighbourhood parks will better support an equitable division of various levels of play for this sport.
Based on the guideline and interest from the community consultation, stakeholders in the skateboarding community indicate that there is a perceived shortfall of all types of skateboarding facilities.
Skateboarding Guideline: 7,500 sq. ft. facility per 25,000 population.
Population Level Size Required Surplus/Shortfall:
- 86,000 = 25,800 sq. ft. (Current shortfall of 15,800 sq. ft. )
- 135,700 = 40,500 sq. ft.
Thanks for your efforts appreciate the work.
I live at 550 McDonnel street right beside the skatepark and I’m 46 now and have been skating since 1990
I had a membership at M&Js skate town on Rye street in the south end when I was twelve. Hope to see some good skate infrastructure for the kids because our park is crumbling fast and a new skatepark would get the kids stoked for sure.